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Several years ago on Bernera locals started to see the uncovering of some stones high up in the dunes each year after the winter storms.  In 1996 a iron age house dwelling was uncovered and excivated by professional archeologists

After the origional site ( which is still in place today)  had been recorded and exivated a replica house was built using the same plan as the exivated houses.  The replica house was built using local stones many of them coming from an old house which was on the Harsgeir  Vew cottage croft

Bosta Iron Age house as it is today - open in summer for visitors very authentic with a warden inside to tell you all about the site and the people that lived there.


Close up of the Iron Age house  house

Information site at Bosta beach  - click to read.

The wee bridge over the burn to the Bosta house

The Bosta house and the beach location with the origional Iron Age site in the background.

Iron Age house with old hill  and Bosta beach in the  background

The entrance into the Bosta house


View down to beach



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